

Congress Chair
Prof. Iris Manor
Chair of the Israeli ADHD Association
Head of ADHD clinic
Geha MHC
Senior Lecturer, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Chair of the Israeli ADHD Association

Congress Co-Chairs
Dr. J.J. Sandra Kooij
Chair European Network Adult ADHD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
VUMc Amsterdam
Head Dutch Expertise Center Adult ADHD, PsyQ, psycho-medical programs
The Hague
The Netherlands
Chair DIVA Foundation

Israeli Organizing Committee
Dr. Gabriel Vainstein
Dr. Jordan Lewinski
Dr. Einat Ya’ari

International Scientific Committee
Prof. Mark Stein, USA
Joseph Biederman MD, USA
Prof. Jan Buitelaar, The Netherlands
Prof. Itai Berger, Israel
Prof. Avi Avital, Israel
Prof. Yehuda Pollak, Israel
Jeffrey H. Newcorn, USA
Prof. Yael Leitner, Israel
Dr. Miriam Peskin, Israel

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